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Cantor Kessler's High Holiday Sermons - 2022/5783

10/06/2022 02:52:40 PM


Erev Rosh Hashanah: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?

Rosh Hashanah Day 1: It's Your Birth Day!

Rosh Hashanah. Day 2: Let's Be Careful Out There

Erev Yom Kippur: What's in a Word?

Yom Kippur: Woke and Proud


Cantor Kessler's High Holy Day Sermons 2021/5782

09/16/2021 01:14:36 PM


Erev Rosh Hashanah: "Hayashan yitchadeish v’hachadash yitkadesh: The old will be made new, and the new will be made holy." Click here to read.
Rosh Hashanah Day 1: "Keeping it Fresh." Click here to read.
Rosh Hashanah. Day 2: "Let it Rest." Click here to read.

Erev Yom Kippur: "To err is human, to forgive divine. Maybe." Click here to read.
Yom Kippur Morning: "Who by fire?" Click here to...

Thoughts on an awful week for the world

08/15/2021 04:05:33 PM


Cantor Penny Kessler

Sunday, August 15, 2021/7 Elul 5781 - 2:30pm

Dear UJC families and friends,

My heart is breaking as I watch the local and national news this afternoon. Let me lay out details and offer thoughts on how we can help even in some small part.

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked Haiti yesterday. CNN reports that over...Read more...

Chanukah 2020The Miracle of Light that Gives Me Hope

12/09/2020 12:10:33 PM


Chanukah is a humble little holiday. I mean, really, what is there about it? Other than an 8-branched lamp (with a 9th branch for candle that helps light the others), there's not much to it. Coming during the Christmas season, Chanukah can easily be both overlooked and overhyped.

Neither response is necessary. Tiny Chanukah is packed with faith and hope. It stands on its own, especially in 2020, when faith and hope are...Read more...

On Election Day 2020

11/03/2020 05:16:30 PM


Because several people asked for some words of encouragement on this most anxious Election Day, here's what I wrote. You can see the recording here:

On Election Day 2020

A lot of us are experiencing sleepless nights, very disturbing dreams, and days filled with anxiety. It could be from COVID 19 or the state of our country or...Read more...

The Day Before Election Day 2020

11/02/2020 01:56:42 PM


Cantor Penny Kessler

Tonight, the Eve of Election Day, at 7pm, we will gather in the UJC's Zoom meeting room for prayer and meditation  Why? 

In a word: because.

Because from the beginning of the world’s creation, we Jews have been called to be partners with the Holy One of Blessing in both the continuing creation of the world and the continuing...Read more...

Election Day 2019: Please vote!

11/04/2019 07:53:08 AM


Monday, November 4, 2019 / 6 Cheshvan 5780


Tomorrow is Election Day. The citizens of our local towns will be electing candidates for a vaRead more...

Our  Clergy's Thoughts

10/28/2019 02:34:21 PM



It's breathtaking to think that the worst national disaster of the 21st Century occurred 18 years ago today. Like those who experienced the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the assassinations of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., September 11, 2001, is etched in our collective memories. Those of us old enough to remember that September Tuesday morning in 2001 can recite moment to moment exactly where we...Read more...

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Sh'vat 5785